RIFE & carpal tunnel as due to a bacteria

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 16:51:19 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

Speaking of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome....

A few years ago there was this outfit out in San Diego
who was selling a RIFE machine with a lot of what they
claimed were new frequencies they had discovered.

One of these frequencies (or complexes/sets thereof)
was claimed to cure CTS.

They said CTS was caused by a bacteria which had an
MOR (mortal oscillatory rate) that could be exploded.

Supposedly the nerves and muscles are covered with a
myelin sheath which acts like a Teflon shield to
minimize friction and keep the tissues from abrading
or rubbing up against each other when the hand, arm or
body is in motion.

The CTS bacteria eats the myelin sheath so that the
now exposed tissue rubs against its neighbor, thereby
producing friction and causing inflammation. If the
inflammation continues for a long period of time,
infection builds up and surgery is required to try to
repair the CTS.

Now I tried to get them to release this frequency(ies)
for CTS as I knew some people who had it and others
who had surgery for it that left them crippled.

These guys said no, I would have to buy the entire
system which would INCLUDE the frequency(ies) for CTS.
I seem to recall $600 as the fee.

So I am wondering, does anyone here know of this CTS
frequency(ies) or if that company is still in
business? It would seem like something that several
CTS folks could chip in for just to get that
frequency, which could be built into a small
oscillator/amplifier/electrode setup that could be
passed around or sold to relieve this condition (if
the premise is correct).

I couldn't find anything remotely about it on the net
using altavista, maybe someone else can. If you can
locate this frequency(ies), please post it so it can
be experimented with....thanks!


Please respond to jdecker@keelynet.com
as I am writing from my work email of
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