Re: Melanoma_»_Looking_for_Alternatives_(only_resort)

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:56:00 -0800 (PST)

Hi Matthew et al!

Sorry to hear about your father, though skin cancer
isn't that bad. My brother had it and they cut it
out, he said it was very painful but is doing ok. I
kept trying to get him to try the RIFE method in the
BLASTER5 program but he doesn't think much of this
spook stuff.

I don't either after some of the things I've seen
fail...mostly overconfidence by people who should
really get VERIFICATION by normal tests to show that
the alternative technique is REALLY working instead of
just fooling themselves by believing it is working.

There is some kind of white paste that uses high
concentrations of I think potassium, something like
Super of the guys at our roundtable was using
it on his skin cancer and it seemed to work very well,
leaving a pink patch of new skin when the paste was
removed. I don't know where the get it but I'll check
and see if I can locate the name of it...the guy told
me he got it out in a small town near here called
Coppell I believe...been a long time...

--- Matthew Redmond <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As with all things in life, something at sometime
> will give you a kick in
> the rear end sometimes for a reason, other times
> just to annoy you.
> My Father has been diagnosed with Melanoma (skin
> cancer). Some of you may
> be saying "radiation and khemo(sp?)." Well the
> Doctors say "Not possible
> with the location of the Melanoma." So that leaves
> my father, conventional
> medicine-wise, up the creek in a leaky boat with out
> a paddel. Well I tell
> a lie there, they will remove tumors as they show
> their heads. Thats kind
> of like tying to patching up the leaks in the boat
> as it ducks and dives
> aimlessly downstream with a high possibility that
> new holes are going to
> present themselves.
> I ask any and all of you who may know, or have
> developed alternatives to
> reply. I don't care if its a change of diet,
> taking a pill or other
> substance, or dowsing oneself in some bizare energy.
> I await your responce.
> Cheers
> -Matt
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