Re: Spinning wheel O/U claim

Bill McMurtry ( )
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:35:41 +1000

Hi Slavek & all,

Back in '94 I had the opportunity to speak with Tom Beardon about John
Bedini's motor generator devices. I had unsuccessfully attempted to
reproduce Bedini's motor/generator a couple of years earlier and was asking
Beardon about the type of battery Bedini used. Tom told me that, to the
best of his knowledge, Bedini used a specific type of lead/acid battery and
the system would not operate with anything else. This was interesting
because Bedini assumed (based on his literature) that some sort of resonant
condition was being created within the battery as a result of 'correct'
switching waveform from battery to load and from generator to battery.

If this is the case then it would seem that whatever is going on in
Bedini's system has little to do with the motor/generator, in terms of the
input/output power ratio, and everything to do with the the internal
physics of the battery connected to the system. Its no surprise then that
this sort of device can not operate without the battery. No battery - no
chemical reaction - no stimulated energy release. The question is, how long
will a battery last under these operatating conditions and is the effect
ultimately useful (if consistantly achievable)?

Regards, Bill.

At 10:44 21/11/99 -0500, Slavek Krepelka wrote:
>Hello all.
>It would be relevant to find out if such devices worked in the same way
>with any kind of battery. I mean: acid- lead, nickel-cadmium and what
>ever else is there. If there are differences, then the batteries are the
>culprit. The idea is, that "cold fusion" with energy release in the
>form of el. current rather then heat might be behind it.
>Regards Slavek.

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