Re: Spinning wheel O/U claim

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 07:32:03 -0800 (PST)

Hi Lawrence et al!

I have to agree...batteries have lots of nuances that
people don't seem to think have any impact on the

I've had the battery discussion with John Bedini,
suggesting if he could eventually remove the battery
in one of his systems, it would be damn difficult to
refute, but he says it doesn't matter because if the
thing runs for months with just the one battery,
running the circuit or device PLUS APPRECIABLE LOADS,
then something else is going on. I have to agree with
him on that.

Bedini is one of the trustworthy guys in this racket
and he knows a lot more than he says publicly. He's
done research with magnetics and power generation that
far eclipse anything known still and one day I'd love
to follow him around with a tape recorder and just let
him talk...he'd tell you all kinds of good
information. Like many with his brainpower, he
doesn't present his information as a coherent system.

(in some ways I think he's just being canny because
why should he give out all his discoveries..he wants
people to THINK and QUESTION, not just expect answers
with no work or thought)

I think it was Tom Bearden who reported on that
bizarre minibike demonstration that used some kind of
entropic, time reversed wave to cause the battery to
recharge by momentarily reversing time to reverse the
flow and recharge itself while running.

The claim was it had a battery that was near
completely drained. They drove it around an airport
and it recharged as it ran, so within about 30 minutes
the battery was fully recharged again.

I'd have to see and measure that, including measuring
the specific gravity, pH, current and voltage before,
during and after. It is a cool report but not enough
details on what kind of circuit was feeding the
battery for someone else to reproduce.

I don't have a problem with using a battery or big
capacitor or even line power to kick start a so-called
over unity or free energy device, but it really should
be taken out of the loop completely if it is truly
tapping some outside force to produce its power.

The new high FARAD capacitors certainly offer great
storage abilities which could be used in a device that
the inventor felt required batteries. They would
provide the same power storage and re-release as a
battery but without the chemical interactions.

But, as John says, if it runs for a month or a year,
even with a battery, and provides real power to run
loads, it would still be hard to deny.

When I drove out to visit the old man, I couldn't stay
but that one day so didn't get to witness the machine
running for several days. He said it would run on and
on without running down, but the construction was
rather crude so it couldn't handle the vibration and
spin. It was a big wheel, about 5 feet, made of a
pieced of thick wood and he hundreds of two nail pairs
hammered into the rim to form a V shape. This was the
guide for his belt.

The belt went halfway around the wheel (which was
quite heavy), then went past two adjustable tensioning
pulleys, over 3 alternators and to a motor. The motor
drove the belt which spun the wheel.

Now I've always thought this has some merit,
especially if the wheel has a wide area, the idea
being that gravity and inertia would impart additional
energy to a spinning wheel, smoothing out the jerking
motions and averaging the power translation.

I don't think the same identical arrangement would
work on a small diameter wheel since less gravity
would be impacting it while it spun. This is kind of
what Joe Newman implies with his coils being wound
over a wide or long surface area, indicating there is
some kind of gyroscopic precession in the atoms of the
wire which interact with gravity to add overall energy
which can be tapped.

I find no fault with the idea and see how it apply to
ANYTHING, mass or energy, in motion over a wide
horizontal plane so that that the gravity MUST
interact with it.

I'll see if I can locate the tape and my notes. I
remember writing it up on the BBS years ago and we
discussed it at the local Roundtable meetings
(disbanded in July 1998).

--- Lawrence Dean Miller
<> wrote:
> I have always had a scientific skeptical view of O/U
> devices with batteries.
> Would consider if the device ran continuously and
> output at least 10 times as much energy as is in the

> capacity of the batteries.
> For example, if there is one 12 V 50 AH car battery,
> and the load consumes 100 W, then 12 V * 50 AH = 600

> WattHour capacity, should run 100 Watts for 6 hours,
times 10 for 60 hours => 2.5 days.
> Note: When computing capacity for products we
> recognize that the batteries
> capacity varies with load. This is just an examples
> for the numbers.
> I visited a well known man in Oklamaho who claimed
> to have a O/U device
> that had pistons, car battery and car motor. I saw
> the video tape, and he
> muttered something about death threat and did not
> have the device
> any more. I asked specifically what was the longest
> time he had it
> running, and he stated it would run as long as I
> wanted. I consider both
> his comment and his answer evasive and that he never
> did have a working
> device.
> Keep Free Energy positive and honest to engineering
> principles.
> Lawrence
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