Spinning wheel O/U claim

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 14:57:24 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

You might want to check out this page, no details are
provided but the picture of the 'spinning wheel' O/U
device is fairly self explanatory....using 3
batteries, one motor, one generator.

I saw a similar setup several years ago on an old guys
farm which I videotaped. He was on the local news and
I tracked him down to his farm in East Texas to see
the machine.

It too used a wheel that was about 5-6 feet in
diameter and drove several PM alternators (from 1960
era automobiles) as the motor drove the wheel, it
recharged the batteries.

I videotaped this and should get it online. Never was
sure it was over unity since it had a couple of
batteries always in the circuit, but he said it ran
for 3 days continuous and driving several 100Watt

Check out the ideas at;



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