Re: Spinning wheel O/U claim

Lawrence Dean Miller ( )
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 06:43:27 -0500

I have always had a scientific skeptical view of O/U devices with
Would consider if the device ran continuously and output at least 10 time=
as much energy as is in the capacity of the batteries.

For example, if there is one 12 V 50 AH car battery, and the load consume=
100 W, then 12 V * 50 AH =3D 600 WattHour capacity, should run 100 Watts
for 6 hours, times 10 for 60 hours =3D> 2.5 days.

Note: When computing capacity for products we recognize that the batterie=
capacity varies with load. This is just an examples for the numbers.

I visited a well known man in Oklamaho who claimed to have a O/U device
that had pistons, car battery and car motor. I saw the video tape, and h=
muttered something about death threat and did not have the device
any more. I asked specifically what was the longest time he had it
running, and he stated it would run as long as I wanted. I consider both=

his comment and his answer evasive and that he never did have a working
device. =

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