Kevorkian redneck style

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 08:07:32 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

I hate to bring this up here as one of the focii of
KeelyNet is HEALTH, achieved and sustained through
alternative means such as light, magnetics,
electronics, etc.. The idea is to keep people healthy
for as long as possible to enjoy the highest quality
of life.

But after witnessing my closest friend die last year,
hearing her pleading with someone to put her out of
her misery in the last hours as she could not get
enough air due to massive lung cancer, it really made
an impact.

There is no question they overdosed her on heroin to
assist in the loss of muscle tone for the lungs so
that her breathing slowed and eventually stopped. I
am told by a couple of doctor friends that this is a
common practice for terminal cases by many.

Many of the people here accept alternative health and
healing ideas but there comes a point in illness where
it becomes quite obvious that the degradation is so
severe as to not be recoverable.

I've always been a fan of Jack Kevorkian as was my
lady friend and some of our other friends who were
also there, but the methods he uses weren't something
that others could easily duplicate for assisted

Therefore, I came across this article describing a
redneck version that anyone could use for assisted
suicide in terminally ill patients.

Not that I am promoting or remotely suggesting that
anyone does this, just that it is an interesting
article posted in a major newspaper;

'A better way, he believes, is the "debreather," a
device he's developed from a camping-store water bag,
a hose, a painter's mask and a plastic jar filled with
what looks like kitty litter.

With this device, made with parts available widely and
inexpensively, he says death is quick and painless,
and avoids the indignity and mess involved in gunshots
or jumping.

The man, who declines to give his name, is one of more
than two dozen engineers, doctors, right-to-die
activists and others from around the world who came
together in Seattle over the weekend to view the
latest technology in do-it-yourself dying.

....But in the meantime, patients and their families
are very happy to have these devices, they say.

The two have helped eight people die - seven with the
"debreather," which uses pellets of calcium hydroxide
and sodium hydroxide to "scrub" carbon dioxide out of
the air breathed through a mask, avoiding a "panic"
reflex while the person dies peacefully of lack of

"We're the only people with practical experience with
it," Exoo says.

They helped another patient die with a tank of helium,
a hose and a plastic bag over the patient's head. It
was very fast, Exoo says - maybe two minutes.

"Now, I think we'll be using helium with the other
(debreather) as a backup," he said.'


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