Re: Steam

Marc Hutchins ( )
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 22:59:27 -0500

Hi Nigel!
If one gallon of water weighs 8.35lb, and the British Thermal Unit is
defined as raising one pound of water one degree Farenheit, it would
take 8.35 BTUs to raise one gallon of water one degree. So, I guess it
would depend on the existing temperature of the water before heating
which would govern the total number of BTUs needed.
I'm a bit rusty on my physics, so I hope I've got this right for you.
Anyone else?

Marc Hutchins

Nigel Howie wrote:

> Hi,Can someone tell me how many BTU's are required to convert one
> gallon of water into steam?? Nigel
> H.
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