RE: negative HV surrounding bifilar coil

Bill McMurtry ( )
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 10:15:41 +1000

Hi Ken & Olaf,

Olaf, thanks for the info. Ken, you raise a good point with the applied HV DC.

It would seem that Ito initiates oscillation with a momentary application
of 500 V, therefore it would seem reasonable to assume the 4 watt output
can not be the result of continued applied voltage to across the primary
tank circuit capacitance.

As Ken has pointed out this leaves the applied HV DC to the 'core' of the
coil as a likely suspect for the output. Is the HV DC continually applied
through an external source? If we could find out whether the HV is sourced
from an external circuit, or whether it is sourced from circuitry connected
to the oscillator, and therefore 'within the loop', we would have a good
clue as to where the output power is originating. 4 watt loading on 30KV
represents only 0.00013 amps - not an easy current to measure at this voltage!

If Ito sources his HV from circuitry connected to the tank circuit (ie
closed loop), then he would have something quite interesting and worth
pursuing, IMO. Perhaps he could settle this question if one of us asked him
nicely enough <g>.

Ken, you point out: Also, his assumptions for "L" or inductance are not
valid since there is NONE? Non inductive I thought he stated? His
equations use "L" and his assumptions of damped or excited oscillations
must have an inductance... but he states that his bifilar wound coil has
NO magnetic field.. hence no inductance or "L".

The fact that he is reporting oscillation in the circuit, either damped or
otherwise, must infer that either his coils do have some 'stray inductance'
or perhaps an inductive (electostatic?) coupling is occurring between the
coil windings and the HV charged 'core'? Sure seems odd...

Regards, Bill.

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