Re: Ocean water as propulsion

Bill Seiple ( (no email) )
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 21:39:51 -0800

I suspect that it can be done either vibrationally or chemically. Keely's
discovered water disassociation freequency (42,700 cps, as I recall) would
do it, although it would certainly register on sonar. I think it was
Popular Science several years ago which suggested using sodium as a fuel in
a hydraulic ram-jet propulsion system. - WDS
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999 1:49 PM
Subject: Ocean water as propulsion

>has anybody in here ever remember an old black and white film of an
experiement carried out by a group of students that had to do with a
smaller,unmanned, remote controlled submersible that had been propelled via
some sort of interaction with the sea water that surrounded it and it do not
use any sort of propellors for locomotion. i had read once that the idea
could be applied to aircraft. maybe this is one of the methods of
propulsion that the designers and operators of airships in the late 19th
century had used or maybe what had made the ancient indian vimanas fly like
they did. i had remembered this old film when i had read a post in a yahoo
club that i am member of when somebody posted a post talking about
super-conducting-magneto-hydrodynamics and the idea for scmhd was showned in
the movie called the hunt for red october?
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