Re: H2O Fuel

Mike Johnston ( )
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 15:11:16 -0500

Hi Ard,
Gee, I wish I understood what you are trying to say here...
Yes, the Hydrogen Bond IS a very strong attachment. I don't believe that
I was trying to find any kind of common ground between crude oil and
water other than to use them as an analogy, i.e.: an example to make the
concept easier for you to understand. Obviously I failed there though
because your use of the word "ludicrous" makes it apparent that the
simple beauty of my analogy has escaped you. Sorry.
hmmmm, the bonds between hydrogen and oxygen are very strong, if they
weren't then our planet would have self-destructed millions of years
Trying to find common ground between the distillation of crude oil in to
component parts and the separation of water in to it's component parts
ludicrous, water evaporates when you heat it, but it condenses back in
water when it cools. To find the answer to a problem try taking your
inspiration from nature.

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