FW: vortex energy...

CSM ( (no email) )
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 09:17:01 +1300

Hi all,
If you look at a natural draught cooling tower (have you looked at Ohaaki
Marinus?), most nuclear power stations have them, as long as there is warm
water in the bottom there will be an air flow up the tower.
If you have two differing air temperatures the same should happen. Umm, but
would a temperature inversion cause a draught down the chimney?

Colin M....

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marinus Berghuis [mailto:renkahu@ihug.co.nz]
> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 7:17 AM
> To: chuck's corner
> Cc: interact@keelynet.com
> Subject: Re: vortex energy...
> At 18:29 4/11/1999 -0800, you wrote:
> > hi all,... so............... for my next attempt to stimulate
> >thought.... ever noticed how smoke goes up a chimney in a spiral or
> >vortice effect?
> Hi All,
> There is a man in New Zealand who in fact invented something working along
> this idea.
> He claims and I have not seen it working that to do this you have
> to make a
> ball 20 feet in diameter with small holes top and bottom.
> Your turbine is the size of the ball 20 feet diameter and he claims that
> the pressure differential of 20 feet is sufficient to drive an alternator.
> Now I, again in my life's wandering, have also once cleaned a
> chimney stack
> !!! 100 foot high and while in this stack never got sucked into
> the air!! I
> did have to climb the bloody thing but did find a continual draft flowing
> past us so indeed there is an airflow which can be calculated quite simply
> by taking barometric pressure readings top and bottom.
> This sound a bit like suspending a wire from the stratosphere.
> You would be
> able to use this for running your gadgets. But who is going to provide the
> skyhook ?
> Ren
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