Magnetic blanket

Nigel Howie ( (no email) )
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 08:49:20 +1300

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Hi all,
Just recently a local TV station has been advertising a magnetic =
This blanket or sheet claim's to help sufferers with all kinds of =
complaints, anything from insomnia to arthritis. It also claims to be in =
use by two million users world wide.=20
Now it makes sure it does not say it cures these complaints just that it =
helps and the user will have to continue using it.
It does not say how it works but has excellent testimonials from doctors =
and other professional people.
Anyone got any ideas on this device, or have I missed something =

Have a great day everyone,
Nigel Howie
"Everything you will ever experience, has already happened"

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Hi all,
Just recently a local TV station has =been=20advertising a magnetic blanket.
This blanket or sheet claim's to help =sufferers=20with all kinds of complaints, anything from insomnia to arthritis. It =also=20claims to be in use by two million users world wide.
Now it makes sure it does not say it =cures these=20complaints just that it helps and the user will have to continue using=20it.
It does not say how it works but has =excellent=20testimonials from doctors and other professional people.
Anyone got any ideas on this device, or =have I=20missed something somewhere??
 Have a great day =everyone,
Nigel Howie
 "Everything=20you will ever experience, has already happened"
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