RE: AFEP v1.0, The Avramenko's Free Electrons Pump v1.0.

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:07:35 -0500

Opps.. there was an antenna used with the resistor.. so disregard
that comment. <g>
It would be interesting, though, to test different loads on this
output, and also different 'antenna' wires, lengths to see if there
is some optimum efficiency that can be achieved. Similar to a
battery load, there is efficiencies for extraction of power, also
solar cells... If you short a cell out.. there is no voltage and
large current, and vice versa, if you have no load on a cell, there
is no current. Somewhere in the middle, of voltage and current,
the efficiency for power transfer is optimized.

I would now do a test with some of other high voltage source
that has different impedance's, which could supply some 20W of
power to a load. Then place this setup (9W or so tube/resistor)
in the circuit and see what the efficiencies would be.

>Jean, et all,
>Finally! A great experiment and something to analyze which may
>lead to some anomalous discoveries. Assuming that anyone can
>validate this experiment and come up with the same or very similar
>results, there should be some theory as to what is 'really'
>occurring. (cause we know it AIN'T overunity or free energy <g>)
> This is the site
>that Jean experimented with... he obtained 3.8 Watts without a load
>and 3.6 Watts with a load. On the surface one would think that
>overunity and free energy is found. However, all the possibilities
>for the current laws of physics have not been ruled out. There
>could be something like vswr or impedance mismatches since his
>'resistor' measured the same readings and findings WITHOUT an
>aether antenna.. like the flash tube experiments had utilized.
>Therefore, using this resistor (without any aether antenna) invalidates
>the hypothesis of the aerial antenna to capture 'free electrons'.
>If the resistor testing would have shown different readings then
>there might have been some magical phenomena occurring with the flash
>tube and aerial. Also notice the voltage potential (stress) in the
>output with/without the load. 1260volts versus 114. That should tellya
>something about impedance mismatches.
>of course.. IMHO always,
>v/r Ken Carrigan

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