AFEP v1.0, The Avramenko's Free Electrons Pump v1.0.
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 15:27:41 EST

Dear all,

I have updated my web site with a new interesting experiment, The Avramenko's
Free Electrons Pump v1.0.

The AFEP experiment is based on the russian patent application filed on May
10th, 1993 by Stanislav and Konstantin Avramenko ( PCT/GB93/00960 ). This a
staight-forward application of the single-wire electrical energy transmission
based upon the principle of longitudinal electrostatic waves as described by
Nikola Tesla in the 1890s.

Some testing devices and experiments have already been done successfully by
Stefan Hartmann with the "Car ignition coil experiments with Avramenko plug"
( ) and freely released on the
Web on October 26th, 1999 (thanks Stefan...).

So, today, I have reproduced successfully the Hartmann's setup with some
improvements :

The electronic generator ( aka the Avramenko's monovibrator ) runs at a
higher frequency ( 10KHz ),
I have used a xenon flash tube instead of a simple spark gap,
I have used a copper wire as an antenna for the coupling with the earth
atmosphere (and not with the ground as in the Stefan's test ), the sucked
free electrons act as a trigger for the xenon flash.

You will find all diagrams pictures and tests results at :

Best Regards,

Jean-Louis Naudin
Overunity Web site:

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