FW: vibration sensitivity

Brian Feeney ( (no email) )
Tue, 02 Nov 1999 14:03:04 -0400

Hi everyone,

I sent this last week but didnot receive any posting from the keelynet to
confirm delivery, I beleive I input the wrong address.

Im in need of a fairly quick answere on this subject if anyone is out there.
Many thanks.

I noted not to long ago a statement to the effect that the human body aka
nerves etc. cannot detect vibration above 116? hertz or putting it another
way 116 cycles per second.

Can anyone verify the correct number and any ref. to additional info, URL's
discusses this.

Also if one were to apply a physical vibration to the body of say 150 - 200
cycles per second, is it correct that one would feel or detect the humming
wave as it is transmitted throught the body at points and only when it has
declined to below the 116 cps level, and that at any point in the max
vibration zone above that level the area would essentially be numb i.e. the
nerves would not convert mechanical waves to electrical signals.


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