Re: EM pattern device meets AC conduit ?

Dwayne Phillips ( )
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:56:43 -0700

on 10/25/99 12:15 PM, Marinus Berghuis at wrote:

> At 10:41 26/10/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>> greetings keelynet people,
>> I had a thought when i woke up this morning, not shure if it is feasable
>> or worth trying ...
>> If we know that certain em patterns can affect the state of mind, would
>> it be possible to make a device that generatedline noize?
>> so that when you turn it on and suddenly your house electrical lines
>> become a conduit for this pattern.
>> Hi Russ,
> You are not intending that every line in your house is sending out e.m.
> messages like the idiot music we are suffering 24 hours a day ?
> I would have thought that the present video channels were enough already to
> drive our young minds mad.
> Music of today is worse than primitive african dances because it is
> amplified beyond reason and pulps the brain.
> The fact that half the kids today cannot read or write or add two and two
> together can be put squarely on agressive mood changing music which makes
> them unteachable and will result in a generation of hopheads.
> My thoughts
> Ren>
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Agreed. How long before we find the CIA was funding Rap & HipHop music?

Imagine a tuning fork being beaten repeatedly, never harmonizing or able to
attrain to the environment around it. EMFs on the other hand would create
more of a even pattern...incandescent bulbs I would imagine would be very
subceptable to such fluctuations or noise.

I am bit more more concerned about our weather patterns and God only knows
what technology some elite group may be using effecting such changes. Has
anyone seen the jet stream this week. It's outrageous to say the
least...Although I believe in evolution, I find it hard to believe weather
patterns are changing this rapidly due to natural earth changes.

Anyhow, I am rambling. With 5 kids I can see a different disposition in them
due to 2 things....Sugar and violence they see on the TV.

-- Have a Great Day!

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