Fred Epps ( (no email) )
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 07:44:13 -0700

Hi Folks,

I am sorry to say that Bearden's online book is full of factual
inaccuracies. I cannot speak for or against his electrodynamic theories b=
what I have seen indicates that he doesn't actually read the docurments h=
acquires, but reads INTO them what he needs to substantiate his theories.

I know someone will ask me for an example so one is provided here. I will
not provide any more since I am too busy. For the same reason I will not
engage in contention about what I have said. The comments with asterisks =

Quoted from his book:

Prior to WW II, researchers at Russian scientific institutes in fact
produced just such overunity machines, using complicated gear-teeth meshi=
to control parametric switching and potential switching of large
generator-oscillators. (See references cited).

*The devices didn't use switching, and as the reports clearly stated, the=
efficiency was round 30%. I have the reports.

Once such an asymmetrically self-regauging parametric oscillator machine =
in operation, it became self-operated and its power output would continue=
increase until catastrophic failure of the device.

*It was not self operated but required large, continuous power input.

Consequently, the Russian physicists and engineers designed nonlinear loa=
of many kilowatts and used them to cause a stable region of operation to =
reached. In that way, stable systems were reached which powered themselve=
and their loads simultaneously, without any external input in the
conventional sense.

*That is flat wrong. These devices didn't power themselves and their load=
The energy input was always higher than the output. Either Bearden
understood these papers and is seeing what he wants to see,
or he is unable to understand them and
is not qualified to speak about it. I don't know which is the case.

Of course it was continually triggering free energy input from its active
vacuum interactions, via its self-regauging which continually broke local

*This is his own theory. The operation of the devices is and was readily
explained by
the standard theory of parametric oscillation. It has nothing to do with

A series of scientific papers and reports describing the machines and the
theory developed for them, was published in both the Russian technical
literature and the French scientific literature (cited). The Russian work
was apparently suppressed at or during WW II, and so far as I am aware, n=
further work on them has surfaced in the open literature.

*It was not supressed. Interest died out in power applications but resear=
on nonlinear oscillations continued, and these tests are cited in many
Russian books on the subject. The output of the devices was too unstable =
be used as a generator and in any case it was not that efficient. It has
been revived with the Ferdinand Cap parametric machine and some other
parametric electrostatic generators.

I do not know what happened in France; perhaps the French never actually
experimented with the devices but only published the papers. It is the
results of those Russian scientists that is published in the French

*That's correct.

However, the pre-WW II work =97 the experiments, the devices, and the the=
ory =97
is well-documented and the machines really were successfully developed an=

*but not as Bearden says.


I think this suffices. The same pattern may be seen in other sections but=
only takes one example as blatant as this to call into question all other
factual statements. It is a pattern of either unconsciously or consciousl=
ignoring key and obvious facts, and imputing "conspiracies" without evide=
whenever a device is not put into immediate operation as a free energy

I strongly recommend that this book be read, but read critically. PLEASE
acquire the original sources. They bear little resemblance to his
descriptions in each case, as far as I have been able to get them.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Jacob <>
To: KeelyNet <>
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 7:08 AM
Subject: BEARDEN

A most interesting treatise by Tom Bearden at:

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