Re: Un-scientific definitions

Russell Garber ( (no email) )
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 05:16:36 -0500

Hi John et el!

Yes, I understand the operation of a compass. The movie did not mention
how it was determined which end of the paper clip was which pole. It
probably was not the best example, but it was not the point of the post
either. It was just an example of an area where there is confusion, as you
and "The Troll" pointed out in the previous thread. The main point of the
thread was that in many cases the definition for a term is not logical and
thus confusing, and often there may be multiple conflicting definitions for
the same term. In a time where some students are being taught from
out-dated text books, and some of their teachers cannot even pass the
teaching exams, and scientists cannot agree on the definitions for terms
used in some of their most widely accepted theories, how can we expect to
ever improve on our understanding of the universe. Again, it is the blind
leading the blind, and the future looks less bright indeed.

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