Re: Geomagnetic poles--an explanation.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 22:34:18 -0500

The actual quote from Davis/Rawls about THEIR definition of how to
identify and mark the poles of a magnet for bio experiments;

The North pole of a magnet seeks a South pole; likewise, a South pole
seeks a North pole. The North pole of a magnet is NOT the North-SEEKING
pole, nor is the South pole the South-SEEKING pole.

In fact, the North-SEEKING pole of a magnet is ACTUALLY the South pole!
The South-SEEKING pole of a magnet is the North pole. The rule to

Test a magnet for correct usage by identifying the separate poles
correctly. Using a bar or cylinder magnet, tie a thread around the
exact center of the magnet, with the thread having a loose end.

Tie the loose end of the thread to any stationary overhang that allows
the magnet to turn without hindrance in space. When the magnet stops
turning, the end of the magnet pointing in the direction of the
earth's North pole is the South pole of the magnet. You may need a
simple compass to determine the earth's North pole direction.

After you have determined the South pole of the magnet, mark that pole
end with red fingernail polish or paint. Once you have one magnet
properly identified for North and South poles this magnet can be used
to IDENTIFY the North and South poles of OTHER magnets.

(They use the color RED to indicate danger and thus avoid it for
biological experiments. The reason being that since it causes a
swelling of tissue, the fluids flow more freely, it accelerates life and
growth. If you have a bacteria or disease, it will also ACCELERATE its
growth and so can be quite dangerous.)

For example, if we bring the South pole of any magnet up to
another magnet's pole, a REPELLING force shows that the pole of the
unknown magnet is the South pole. An ATTRACTING force shows that the
unknown pole is the North pole.

You may wish to purchase a small inexpensive magnetometer. The
sensitive needle of this instrument moves in one direction or the other
depending on the separate magnetic pole in close vicinity.
Everything IMO should hinge on the effects of a given type of magnetic
field to determine its designation. It should also be CLEARLY noted
that this is to designate the type of energy coming from a magnet poles.

The NOAA gif, surprisingly crude for one on a government site;

is interesting but far from definitive as a single point reference. In
an earlier post, I quoted numerous URLs including one that said the
physical size of the northern hemisphere of the earth was found to be
slightly smaller than the South which is in accord with Davis/Rawls
about North pole energies contracting mass.

The highly contentious observation that north pole energies led BY
EXPERIMENT to smaller, longer lived, lesser sex drive, more peaceful
animals with exactly the opposite effect from south pole energies
doesn't help the argument either because it tends to inflame people with
the permutations including where most civilization originates.

Using the effects of a given polarity on mass as the determinant for the
designation of North OR South would allow for an unquestionable
definition and cut through all the muddy or biased thinking.

According to Davis/Rawls, in THEIR OPINION based on their experiments;

Specifically, North Pole energies cause mass to contract and condense,
rotating in a CCW direction, while South Pole energies cause mass to
expand and dissipate, rotating in a CW direction.

Also, North Pole energies have alkaline properties while South Pole
energy is acid. North pole energies tend to collect fluids while South
Pole energies dissipate fluids. North pole energy is referred to as
negative because it reduces or attracts, while South pole energy is
referred to as positive because it expands and dissipates.
Personally I prefer the Davis/Rawls definition of how to identify the
magnetic poles since it does appear to fit even the earth, but everyone
can certainly choose for themselves and hopefully do something useful
based on their interpretation, and in such a manner that others can

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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