Re: Neutral center as points of consciousness?

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 16:36:24 +1300

At 10:19 19/10/1999, you wrote:
>Hi Jerry, and the rest of the list.

1 I have a lifetime of communicating with a so called higher
consciousness over all sorts of things and have
2 Answers are given like a bloody lawyer, it can be interpreted 2 ways.

3 The so called higher spheres for some reason are able to see into our
immediate future like a few days no
more because the future is always dependent on the present outcomes.

4 The only reliable answer I have ever got with certainty was in 1943
when a key bound in a bible and held
with the forefinger of 2 people gave as an answer that the war would
not finish until 1945 which everybody
found most unlikely. The yankees had joined the war and were thought to
be invincible.
In 1950 two people of which I was one received in broad daylight a
picture of a future event which came to
pass exactly as seen 3 years later but at the time could not be
recognised because we had no idea what
we saw, because a foreign language, foreign clothes, foreign music did
mean nothing to us at the time.
5 Ideas that come to us in dreams are global ideas which exist in many
minds like there are some 10 people
on the keely net that have like ideas on some issues.
At a given time two or more brains are thinking about something and
right across any distance some
effects are caused which seems to gel such ideas with similar solutions.

6 It is up to the logic part of our brain to interpret what the abstract
part of our brain receives.
This is not easy as all ideas from the abstract are pictorial or
symbolic and you have to dive into your
subconscious to be able to interpret. Our subconscious is so loaded
with information that it can take
years to actually find an answer ( Bible quotes I think ! Mene Mene
Tekel Ufarsin) No one knew an answer
to that one but one man who happened to get the same idea and was able
to put it to use.

7 When we think that we live in a physical universe of substance, this
comes about because our genes are all
implanted with the same instinctive knowledge and that was put there by
design not by accident.

8 Our ufo friend or foe's who made the human race happen are time
dwellers and probably designed the human
race the way they are because we live in a universe not inhabited by
them but being colonised for some
purpose useful to them or just for the fun of it.
The present drive for crossbreeding experiments (if it is supposedly
true !!!) would fit in with a
colonisation plan just as the Europeans purposely interbred with
indiginous people to destroy them,
their cultures and beliefs while enjoying the carnal pleasures.

9 For the rest I have traveled extensively astrally so have to conclude
that beyond our carcass there is
something else that governs it all and has substance outside of the
carcass which gives us so much grief.
What is happening to the human race at present at the hand of the
professionals given the power to destroy
us all through sheer greed is no longer sustainable.
I sincerely hope that the rumours about Y2K are true and that our
present state of affairs collapses
totally. This also means the death of millions of people through
starvation because of the just in time
for maximum profit with minimum effort forced on us by the
supermanagers, in the guise of looking after
shareholders interests.
Those with shares in any corporation have been and are are still
gambling with the lives of billions of
people while in the meantime praying to a non existant God thought up
and fostered by the miracle causers
our ufo foes or friends.
Creation is totally non committal and not interested in human affairs.
All thought, action of any kind are
savoured and returned to the creator as proof of life!!

10 Any one who thinks different is welcome to do so but if a small group
could really tune in alike, they
could sway the thinking of millions just like Hitler was able to
persuede millions that he was the bees
Collectively we are just meat for the taking and our minds are so
easily manipulated as proven by
elections in so called democcratic societies. The powerbrokers have it
all off pat.
By the way I should by this time next month be penniless forever after
as I am being sued for someone
elses debt and have no wherewithall to fight it. The lawyers have
finally found a way to kill me off !!

Regards and happy hunting for the elusive PIMPERNEL

For those who do not know who he was, he was a freedom fighter for the
little man during the French



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