Re: Neutral center as points of consciousness?

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Sun, 17 Oct 1999 09:00:26 +1300

At 11:30 17/10/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Dan et al!
Sorry Dan for sending you your own letter, pressed the wrong button.

I am most happy to find that there are some others thinking the way I think
which is exactly what the Manitou has been telling us for yonks and before
that all sorts of philosophers and know alls like myself.
The trick is to divorce oneself from the technocratic garbage and
communicate with what ever you want to achieve.
The great inventors of our time received most of their inspiration from
dreams and most of them spend many days talking to themselves according to
those around them when in fact they are verbalising their impressions from
their environment which they shape to what they perceive.
For our brains to interpret what is coming to us from the environment the
dialogue is not one sided but the logic trying to enforce the impossible to
In most cases logic wins and then loses the impossible possibility.
This is also why real inventions are always mucked around with by untrained
minds and therefor achieve the impossible.

In my mind, the way for anti gravitational effects lies in 100 % pure
metallic crystal formations and todate we are not able to mass produce them
because our processing methods are using force where gentle persuation
would produce better results.
When you have a smelter being operated by untrained minds swearing and
cursing every moment they have to work there,you cannot possibly expect the
product to be pure and virginal.

The old alchemist trained for many years to purify their minds, bodies and
learned the mantra's (sound waves necessary) to make matter behave their

Think this way and we will achieve the impossible.
For me I am still trying to quieten my mind so I can listen but my
industrial sound damage ears won't give me peace and quiet. So probably am
lost forever.


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