Neutral center as points of consciousness?

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sun, 17 Oct 1999 11:30:33 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Dan et al!

--- wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> First one to build a starship wins the marbles!
> ..... <g> Just have to pull it out of that
> superconscious mind and PROVE it.
> Dan

Well heck, that means Searl has us all beat...or
Dennis Lee will jump on it...I'd just be happy to
float around the room, or at the VERY LEAST be able to
jump 50 feet or so as a Lung Gom Pa...

What is weird is we have all these interesting
reports, theories, comments and insights yet still
haven't come up with the will probably be
stupifyingly simple...

With regard to getting answers from the superconscious
as with kinesiology and some link to a higher or
lesser gestalt, I had dinner with an out of town
friend last week and he showed me one of those books
about silly inventions.

I went through it and found a couple of patents which
I posted to the discussion was about using
brainwaves to control games...the other about the
kinesiology method of holding the forefinger and thumb
together and resisting the attempt to pull them apart.
There are FOUR patents relating to this and one is
assigned to SONY Corp.

This technique isn't new to anyone so I wonder how the
guy has the balls to claim it as his and patentable,
but he does suggest holding a sample or just a SHAPE
of an organ and asking if it is healthy or not, some
kind of morphic or atavistic resonance with the body
is supposed to give a yes/no response....he even
suggests checks from multiple witnesses to verify the
response and prevent loading from preconceptions.

Now there are some interesting correlations that
indicate we communicate on many levels, whether we are
aware of it or not. Cleve Backsters experiments with
'primary perception' and Weavers discovery of 'homing
conductance' indicate communication channels not
discernible by normal electronics yet which all cells
possess and use.

If the DNA and RNA of every living thing is emitting
massive scalar type beams from the zero crossings at
the middle of each base pair (due to mirrored amino
acids), then we are walking porcupines emitting and
receiving huge amounts of information. All of this
happens beyond our normal levels of perception.

Modern discovery in chaos theories resulted in the
recognition of 'self-organizing' patterns which to my
view is a 'mechanical' version of a gestalt.

Plato and many of the ancient philosophers argued that
everything has consciousness to various degrees. Each
atom has a rudimentary consciousness though perhaps
not sufficiently advanced to communicate in ways we
cognize, at least to communicate with us.

When the atoms merge to form a molecule, the blending
of these many lesser consciousnesses form a gestalt
(group mind synthesized from many single participants)
representing the combined higher consciousness of the

Keely says each mass has a neutral center and they too
combine to create a new neutral center with each mass
aggregation expansion.

Each of the molecules then combine to form various
items, a rock, a table, even a living being with a
subsequent increase in consciousness from the ever
more complex combinations of lesser gestalts.
Main Entry: ge·stalt
Pronunciation: g&-'stält, -'shtält, -'stolt, -'shtolt
....Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ge·stalt·en /-'stäl-t&n,
-'shtäl-, -'stol-, -'shtol-/; or gestalts
Etymology: German, literally, shape, form
Date: 1922
: a structure, configuration, or pattern of physical,
biological, or psychological phenomena so integrated
as to constitute a functional unit with properties not
derivable by summation of its parts
The concept of GAIA as the consciousness of the earth
then becomes plausible as does the idea that
everything has consciousness and to some degree can be
communicated with.

It also ties in with John Hutchisons 'Poltergeist
Effect' which is written up in NEXUS magazine and
posted at;

Main Entry: man·i·tou
Variant(s): or man·i·tu /'ma-n&-"tü/; also man·i·to
....Function: noun
Etymology: Ojibwa manito.
Date: 1671
: a supernatural force that according to an Algonquian
conception pervades the natural world
The Ojibway refer to the 'Manitou' as representing an
all pervading consciousness and force of creation.

Since this aether/zpe/manitou influence pervades
everything, it follows that a collective consciousness
could ensue by virtue of the gestalt.

I have seen papers describing the manitou legend as
saying every object has its own 'intelligence' and
powers, that by learning to communicate with it, you
would be more in the flow of nature and in a position
to influence it.

I know this all sounds spooky but I'm trying to make a
case for how you can extract yes/no answers from
'somewhere' which is the link to the
noosphere/gaia/gestalt of humanity, the world or the

As with the Tree of Life, it is believed to represent
a map to nirvana showing which planets or dimensions
you must navigate through and what entities you must
negotiate with to get past them.

My purpose in this is to come up with a means of
getting reliable yes/no responses from 'other' sources
that could answer specific questions which could be
used to compile an experiment that could prove the
truth of the hypothesis.

That means we are all connected to these greater and
lesser gestalts and that we should be able to
communicate with them on SOME level.

The Hawaian HUNA theosophy teaches the existence
within us of a low, middle and high self, each of
which is a consciousness unto itself yet working in a
gestalt manner to form the 'individual' us. The low
is in charge of our body and physical health, the
middle is the us that we know and the high self is our
link to 'god'. We can communicate with the low self
to some degree though it interacts and responds as a
child because of its lesser gestalt, though we cannot
communicate directly with the higher self, a more
complex gestalt.

I have always found this concept intriguing...and
relatable to hardware....why would a more complex
gestalt with more consciousness and awareness of the
universe want to dialogue with one of its singular
lesser gestalts? Its like talking to your heart or
kidney and hoping you can make sense out of its

That is why this kinesiology thing interests me
so...its a matter of converting what these lesser
gestalts KNOW to a form we can recognize...yes/no...

If we wanted to communicate with a higher gestalt,
what would be some logical methods to use where we
could both understand each other and extract useful


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