Re: Klingon Disruptor !

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 06:48:56 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

An intriguing device description that needs a bit more
detail. I am wondering if such a weapon could be used
as an aether entrainment device????

After all, these things do create intense bursts of
energy directed at a target, perhaps using these EM
weapon designs with some adjustment might be useful in
other areas.

With the Dean drive and other such inertial systems it
is a matter of rotating dense masses and stopping them
for a split second which produces the momentary thrust
from the rotational momentum to a linear momentum.

So, it should be possible with a sufficiently dense
plasma that could emulate the inertial effect, there
is a possibility it would work.

Some additional info about the HERF gun and related
Picture and story from ZDNET;,4586,2331772,00.html