Re: Klingon Disruptor !

Chris ( (no email) )
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 23:52:44 -0700

Know exactly what you mean, Joe.

If you don't have a college degree you can't be smart.

I posted an idea about rotorcraft about 6 months to a year ago dealing with
four-bladed helicopters and their complicated semi-rigid rotor heads. I
said that I thought I figured out how to eliminate most of the components by
allowing a dual teetering system. I was scoffed at, and even had one guy
ask me (in a rude way I might add) how. I sent him drawings- he never
replied after that. . .

Some people just don't need to advance. I think that's a common problem
among engineers, doctors, and other "degreed" professionals. Arrogance
causes them to be closed-minded and I think that most of them are jealous
because a 'commoner' developed something that they did not have the
foresight to develop. And I suppose if we look at their perspective we
might be a little more like them. Think of the frustration as a
professional auto mechanic toils away on a car and then some teenaged kid
comes in and not only diagnoses the problem but correctly fixes it. . . . It
can be embarrassing.

So I say, forget about their hubris. Doing a good deed is its own reward.
And remember, if any of your inventions get media recognition, to tell them
that you didn't have a degree so HA HA!!!

(Gotta be a little bit immature now and then)


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