Re: Thoughts on Hamel

Russell Garber ( (no email) )
Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:40:56 -0400

Hi Jerry!
I meant to thank you for forwarding that info to me. I did realize that the
info was from Tracy Jones, thus the reason why I made the joke about alien
involvement. He had stated in his email that he was not a member of this
discussion list, but checks in every now and then to see how people are doing.
That comment and then the relative speed at which I received the info (again
forwarded to me by you) was the reason for the "alien involvement" comment.
Anyway, thank you for forwarding that info to me.


At 07:55 PM 10/10/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Russell!
>Please note, I did not provide the information, I only forwarded it to
>you at the request of Tracy Jones....he is the one who is trying to help
>get to the bottom of it and should be the one who receives the credit
>for providing the number...I'm just the post office..<g>...
>Russell Garber wrote:
>> Wow! Almost immediately after posting the first message in this thread I
>got a
>> reply (forwarded to me by Jerry) offering a direct conversion over the phone
>> with David Hamel including his phone number. The response was so fast it
>> almost makes me think aliens might be behind all this... hehe But
>> this is another promising aspect of Hamel's work, the fact that he is
>> to speak with people who interested in his work , and to do so personally.
> Jerry Wayne Decker -
> from an Art to a Science
> Voice : (214)324-8741 - FAX : (214)324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716
> Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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