Re: Thoughts on Hamel

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Sat, 09 Oct 1999 15:44:58 +1300

At 22:15 9/10/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all!
Hi Russ and others,

I also am rather wary of 2nd or 3rd party information because of my
Unfortunately, during the transport to the North Island, my Eudora file
somehow got wiped so cannot tell you who the informant was.
I received information supposedly direct from David Hamil through a 2nd
party of a sure way to cure Diabeties.
Well I have many friends who suffer from this dreadful disease and tried
the remedy which had to do with placing magnets 2 inches above the heart.
The first one I tried landed in intensive care for 8 days with a heart
attack and the second one did not get a heart attack but went sick leave
for 4 weeks with an unspecified complaint which laid her out almost.

So when I receive information through other parties, I will shy well away
!! and advise everyone else to do the same. It is no different with the
book written about Joe's cell, Not written by Joe himself so if he was
involved, there is no page in it stating I so and so stated this to be all
there is to know.
So far managed to burn my lungs twice with the stuff coming out of it. The
book never mentions any dangers of
that kind.
Some other effects were equally startling which were also not mentioned !!>

But God loves a tryer is what they say so keep hunting for the elusive


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