Thoughts on Hamel

Russell Garber ( (no email) )
Sat, 09 Oct 1999 22:15:29 -0400

Hi all!
I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts were, regarding the claims
made by David Hamel. This seems to be a tough one to get a good handle
on. The whole UFO abduction thing always sways me a bit to not belive the
claims, but I do keep an open mind. Who knows, maybe he had some
fantastic dreams that he interpreted as aliens, or maybe unknown psychic
abilities played a role, or maybe aliens really were involved. One thing
about the alien story that I wonder about, is the claims of the mysterious
plant growth on the walls, etc., after these aliens make contact with him.
None of the information I have read about on various web sites go into much
detail on that. Have these plants been analyzed? If there are any strange
properties to these plants, it might go to further substantiate his claims.
Does anyone have any more information about that? I feel one of the
biggest problems with trying to validate his claims is the fact that most
of the information I have seen is through a second or third party. As he
does not have a web site of his own, I must rely on other people relaying
the information, and when that info is lacking important details, there is
no way of knowing for sure if the information is being relayed correctly.
Even with his books (I have not had the opportunity to read his books or
view videos about him, and therefore can only relate to info I have read
about them on the net), it seems they have been illustrated by other people
and maybe even written by other people (with his help) and therefore maybe
lacking details due to other people and not Hamel himself. As for his
devices, they are of a nature such that I cannot easily look at and say
whether they would or would not work, as is possible with some other
devices, and unfortunately are not easily or cheaply able to be built (with
the exception of the Hamel spinner with which I fail to see anything new or
remarkable... am I missing something there?). The are however some
promising aspects, such as the facts that he is not asking for anything,
and that he seems to be investing a substantial amount of money in trying
to build these devices. There are some other people out there trying to
build his devices to validate his claims one way or the other, but
unfortunately the one's I have seen tend to go away from the original
plans, (again due to the lack of, or inaccuracy of information) and thus
fail in leading us any closer to the truth. Anyway, most of you know the
history here, so I will not go into it any more, I would just like to know
what most of you think about it? All views are welcome, but I am mainly
interested in views of people who are not directly involved (with the
exception of any info relating to the plant growth, etc) and are therefore
less likely to be biased in anyway. This is one of those cases where the
inventor is still around and able to offer his experiences, and thus we
should be able to prove one way or another whether it is real. The fact
that we are still not any closer to knowing, only adds fuel for those who
think he is just in it for the recognition, or worse. I am still
optimistic, but my doubts are gaining ground. If we are unable to weed out
the false claims than I fear we may miss the real thing..


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