Re: More on Speed of Light

Warren York ( )
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 18:42:50 -0500 wrote:
> In a message dated 10/5/99 6:01:22 AM Mountain Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Shining sunlight on a prism will not 'slowdown' an EM wave but
> will act as a filter to separate the different frequencies of
> 'broadband light' into their separate spectrums. This is similar
> to a spectrum analyzer, where you can see the separate frequencies
> which make up a time domain EM waveform.
> Hope this helps a bit!
> v/r Ken Carrigan >>
> Great information Ken. I'd like to add to it. When light slows
> down it has been theorized that it is bending or traveling further
> due to the medium of which it is going through. So it is actually
> staying at the constant, but having more distance to travel in order
> to do it. That gives an illusion that light is slowing.
> Jeremy Lynn Mumme
> PS
> I know some don't except that idea, but hay, it's just another way
> of looking at things.
Warren writes:
I tend to agree with Jeremy. I think if you put your detector at the
output of the prism side you will find this effect. In fact this is how
we have different rates for light to travel through in different media.
Look at your refraction demo again at:
This is how one obtains the index. I am only talking inside the media.
There will be no speed slow down outside. One of the QED's of Light.

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