Re: Living in a Dyson Sphere.

Russell Garber ( (no email) )
Sun, 03 Oct 1999 08:21:48 -0400

I have to agree with what Peter wrote. If all the matter at the bottom of the
tunnels suffers the same distortion, then the distance measured should be
correct. If you are saying that the distortions are not equal, then we should
be able to test for this by using two different measuring devices of different
types (they should both have different results). Also, marking the positions
of the two bobs on the measuring device and returning the measuring type to the
surface should reveal the true measurement, no?

>John Berry wrote:
>>Of course your ruler would distort, it is made of matter.
>>The ruler becomes smaller that is why the distance appears greater at the
>>bottom, you are measuring with a smaller ruler, the matter ruler and other
>>matter down there including a light measuring device will become distorted
>>measuring the space between the two shafts as greater at the bottom rather
>>than less as it otherwise would.
>>that's the whole point.