Re: Electronically amplified signatures

Martin ( (no email) )
Sun, 3 Oct 1999 11:57:08 +0200

Hi All

Wasn't this the same company making the detectors for military teams to use
in SWAT type ops. Tom Clancy makes mention of these devices in his novel
Rainbow Six. There seem to be conflicting reports as to if the things work
or not. At present a lot of security forces use a detector that's based on a
simple Pyro detector circuit. It'a handheld and sweeps like a torch beam,
giving visual indication when it gets a heat source, problem is of course it
could be a radiator or a human. I tried a pyro based device for locating
animals during the day with limited results, personally I think you would
have better results with dowsing :-)


>The Afilani/DKL detector may or may not be quantifiable. They've sold
>detectors on this principle for years, and I haven't heard of anyone
>complaining, and they demonstrated one of their life-form detectors on a
>TV show for deer hunters, and it seemed to work well even for the show's
>though it wasn't a blind test. But Sandia National Labs claims that the
>didn't work at all in their tests, even if operated by a technician sent by