Re: Electronically amplified signatures

Billy M. Williams ( (no email) )
Sun, 3 Oct 1999 15:50:24 -0400

Actually the device in Tom Clancy's Novels and the computer game detects the
electric signal given off by a human heart and can be detected by the device
thru a 6ft concrete wall. Making it excellent for pinpointing a human being
in a building.
Billy M. Williams

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, October 03, 1999 6:13 AM
Subject: Re: Electronically amplified signatures

>Hi All
>Wasn't this the same company making the detectors for military teams to use
>in SWAT type ops. Tom Clancy makes mention of these devices in his novel
>Rainbow Six. There seem to be conflicting reports as to if the things work
>or not. At present a lot of security forces use a detector that's based on
>simple Pyro detector circuit. It'a handheld and sweeps like a torch beam,
>giving visual indication when it gets a heat source, problem is of course
>could be a radiator or a human. I tried a pyro based device for locating
>animals during the day with limited results, personally I think you would
>have better results with dowsing :-)
>>The Afilani/DKL detector may or may not be quantifiable. They've sold
>>detectors on this principle for years, and I haven't heard of anyone
>>complaining, and they demonstrated one of their life-form detectors on a
>>TV show for deer hunters, and it seemed to work well even for the show's
>>though it wasn't a blind test. But Sandia National Labs claims that the
>>didn't work at all in their tests, even if operated by a technician sent
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