(no subject)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 30 Sep 1999 14:04:54 -0500

Hi Olaf et al!

People still getting snowed by the flying frogs and claiming it is
antigravity, eh?...:)

It isn't remotely related to GRAVITY, it has nothing to do with gravity,
it clearly states diamagnetism as the principle which produces the

That's equivalent to saying the wing of a plane that lets it fly, is
affecting gravity, when it is NOT in any way affecting gravity, it is
simply lifting you in the air by reacting against the air. = air
pressure, not gravity

That's equivalent to saying the Meissner effect in superconductors is
producing antigravity to cause the magnet to float above it. =
magnetism, not gravity

and on and on....

Of course, at this point, since no one is exactly certain what gravity
IS (otherwise they could prove their theory with a test), gravity could
well be some kind of macro magnetic effect, but at this point, to my
view magnetism isn't gravity, otherwise we'd have all kinds of
interactions between magnets and being able to lessen weight by their

One day we'll know for sure, but for now, I think it does nothing but
confuse the issue when gravity is linked with magnetism.

bitbo@t-online.de wrote:
> Jerry Wayne Decker / jdecker@keelynet.com
> wrote:
> >I don't see the connection between
> >magnetism and gravity ...
> --
> Jerry, take a look at this:
> http://www-hfml.sci.kun.nl/hfml/levitation-movies.html
> also search there for the device pictures. It proofs, that a 20 MW Coil
> produces a magnetic field strength, that allows to eliminate the gravity...
> so long
> Olaf Berens