Re: Roll up...roll up...

Dan York ( )
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 15:41:03 -0500

At 03:08 PM 9/29/99 -0500, Jerry W. Decker wrote:
>Hi Nick et al!
>Millenium Twain sent in this report from the Washington Post which might
>have some bearing on this subject though it does not specifically
>mention the website or any of the people
>and his idea is that it will be for profit, since I don't have the URL
>for it, I have to post the entire article;
>Space Tourism's Boosters Start Countdown
>Joel Glenn Brenner,
>Special to The Washington Post; 07-25-1999

I don't think Bigelow has anything to do with the scam website looking for
deposits/donations. I have heard Bigelow talk about the project he is
promoting and his estimates of the price for a "space vacation" are nowhere
close to the price on the scam site. Bigelow estimates the price per person
will be quite a bit more than one hundred thousand dollars per person. He
wants to build a space based cruse ship with shuttle craft used to get
people back and forth from earth. The basic idea is that each cruse will be
a trip around the moon and back. He believes that even at over 100k per
person there will be enough takers to make the project profitable. The 500
million that Bigelow is putting up for this venture is similar to what Ted
Turner did with his so called billion dollar donation to the U.N. The money
is to go into a holding account where the payout will be over a 10 year
period. Over 10 years the money the 500 million earns will be used for his
space project (estimated at another 500 million) and at the end of the 10
years he will still have his original investment in hand.
