Re: Have you seen this???

Nick Hall ( )
Sun, 26 Sep 1999 10:15:32 +0100

At 19:53 25/09/99 -0500, Jerry wrote to me concerning the
>Hi Nick!
>Yes, I agree, the wording says only if the report can be proven
> can prove a lot with 'math'...that does not pan out in
>the real world...I sent out some emails and will post to you anything
>interesting that turns up...thanks! Geez, are we all cynics and
>doubters these days..<g>.

I`d like to comment on that last question in Jerry`s post: "are we all
cynics and
>doubters these days"

In the UK some time ago there was a `brilliant` sales advert in the papers.
It ran something like this:

"Send me 5 UKP and I`ll tell you how to reduce your phone charges to zero".

Those who sent in their money received a piece of paper with a British
Telecom phone number on it and the instructions:

"Call this number and tell BT you want your phone disconnected".

It wasn`t technically an illegal advert!!!!

Scams like the only bring disrepute on the whole
alternative energy enterprise and it is in all our interests to get them
exposed ASAP. I have started to think that we need an `outfit` or `agency`
akin to the CSICOP people behing the Skeptical Inquirer. It would have
committed people with expertise in the relevant fields and with sufficient
resources to quickly detect such misleading or fraudulent claims and expose

This doesn`t make me a `cynic or doubter` but only someone anxious not to
let the truth get thrown out along with the scams. Free / alternative
energy sources are there but even when we have working models, there is a
culture of cynicism and doubt out there (for which orthodox scientists are
partly responsible) which will need to be attacked head on.

This attack will be more successful if the free energy `community`
demonstrates an `internal` rigour in weeding out the con artists / wierdos....

Maybe this is an idea: Once this whole enterprise gets a bit more
organised and we have some solid working models, how about a website
dedicated to exposing the fraudulent stuff....after all, once a success is
known, the con artists will try to ride the tide as well....


Nick Hall

"That which a man cannot afford to lose owns him"