RE: Inert Gas and Gravity

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Wed, 8 Sep 1999 19:51:56 -0400

In regards to High Temp and Pressure of an 'inert' gas and
then placed in a strong magnetic field.. as I recall from
college days, in Direct Energy Conversion, there was such
a device called an Magnetohydrodynamic power generator or MHD.
Michael Faraday experimented in 1831 with Mercury flowing in
glass tube in a magnetic field. He also suggested, believe
it or not, that tidal currents flowing the earths magnetic
field might be used for power generation. Sir William Crooks
in 1870 considered the special properties of matter in discharge
tubes - advancing his ideas as a "forth state" of matter..
following solids liquids and gases. 1930's Langmuir began
working on plamsa's to discribe ionized gases... just a
bit of background.

At Atmsopheric pressure Oxygen starts to dissacoiate at about
3000 degrees kelvin while nitrogen starts at about 4500 degrees.
Dissociation of energy is given as electron volts per molecule.
MHD generators work on that principle... The problem is the
high temp, the seeding of increasing electrical conductivity,
heat transfer, magnetic losses and end current losses.

v/r Ken Carrigan

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry W. Decker
Sent: 9/4/99 12:32 AM
Subject: Inert Gas and Gravity

Hi Folks!

Steve Ferguson kindly sent in the following information to be posted to
the list;
Below is a reprint of page 16 of the book "The Nature of Reality"
channelled by Hilarion:

'The nature of a device capable of producing an anti-gravitational field
has intrigued men for centuries. In the past the principles were
understood and the techniques were widely utilized. But now the
knowledge has been lost and the methods of achieving such localized
fiedl effects are no longer available.

The secret of producing a local gravitational field begins with the
appreciation of the true nature of inert gases. Since each atom of an
inert gas contains one of the primary points responsible for the
creation of the transverse vibrational mode which is experienced by
matter as gravity, it is merely necessary to develop a technical means
for stripping the masking inert gas atom away from the primary point in
order to allow the point to produce a full-strength beam of transverse
vibration. Such a beam, when directed against certain kinds of
materials, will exert an effect that will result in a push against the
material in the direction away from the source of the beam.

The technique is to subject the inert gas to high pressure and
temperature, and then to place it in a strong megnetic field. This can
be accomplished with relatively simple equipment and without great
expense. In fact it has already been done in secret.

The high temperature and pressure cause the stripping away of some of
the outer electrons of the atom of the gas, thus producing ions or
charged particles. When these ions are subjected to a strong magnetic
field, the motions of the nuclei of the ionized atoms are disturbed and
the atoms are forced into paths different from their natural motion.
These pathes take them away from the primary points which they normally
mask, and permit the points to produce their normal vibratory motion in
the aether.'

Through other writings of his, it seems xenon seems to work best.


--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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