
Slavek Krepelka ( slavek.krepelka@sympatico.ca )
Wed, 08 Sep 1999 12:57:43 -0400

Hallo all.

I guess I may as well pull this out for what ever it is worth.

When you look at David Hamel 45 galon drum implosion, it seems to me
that I know what has happened. In very general
terms, he achieved a natural oscilation between the magnetic interaction
of the permanent magnets and the temporary
magnetisation of the drum. The result of that was cascading effect of
increased electrical force exchange within the atomic
structure of the steel drum. This effect increased density of nuclear
el. force fields within the material of the drum to such a
degree, that they became opaque, at least to a point, to gravity. Once
this was achieved, the pull of the gravitation became
push. Gravitation coming from all directions collapsed the barrel which
then discharged. Dave was very lucky, that he did not
blow himself and half his county into dust.

Anyway, this means that I can hardly build a gravity sink on my own. I
tried to force it and only now it seems that it is not the
way to go. It will need somebody much more skilled in electrical devices
than me to pull it off.

This E-mail makes sense only in the context of my Tour the Force, along
with a lot of other physical phenomena including the
physical behaviour of David Hudson's ORMEs.

For the record, I had no knowledge of either Dave's work, till my Tour
was in its current form, except for a few Assorted

The temporary URL site is: http://web.ionsys.com/~smith736.

The gravitation sink, if successfully tested, will fly straight up if
not anchored, and god knows where.
If anchored, and not controlled by an extremely responsive el.
discharge, it may blow up with grave consequences, as the
slowed or stopped gravitation energy has nowhere to go but into the
material of the sink. There seems to be much more energy
in gravitation than anticipated by most.
There is also the unavoidable possibility that I am completely wrong
about the whole thing. But I doubt it.

Looks like I have miss mailed this one. My intention was to post it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards Slavek.