Calls for a Test?

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Tue, 7 Sep 1999 08:07:34 -0400

Jer, et all,
The paragraph below sounds too good to be true to some extent, regarding
the laws of physics - energy balances in a system. If that paragraph
is true, namely one tuning fork at energy 'A', transferring energy to
'B', 'C', 'D', etc etc... It sounds like energy 'A' would be depleted
very quickly and 'B', 'C', etc would have energy of 1/n where n is the
number of tuning forks in the vacinity. A neat experiment would be to
make these tuning forks vibrate a magnetic medium to create a voltage
potential in a coil. Then measure the main tuning fork, and the 'n'
other tuning forks in the room to see what their voltage potential
would provide. The load on these coils would be say 1k ohm so that
the power can be computed on each tuning fork. (V^2/R) Then sum
powers of 'B' through 'n' forks and the results should state that the
sum of 'B' through 'n', will NOT exceed 'A's power product.

v/r Ken Carrigan
Experiments 'prove' concepts and validate laws of physics.

<-----Original Message-----
<From: Jerry W. Decker []
<Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 1:36 AM
<Subject: Re: Lung-Gom-Pa quotes & Nightwalking
<Keely says put one fork in a room of 1,000 like tuned forks, strike the
<one and all 1,000 will sound with amazing 'augmentation' of
<Take the idea of the conduit/corridor between resonating structures, use
<a human subject with focused concentration creating a link to a space
<higher in the atmosphere or another STAR or PLANET....where the gravity
<or aether density would be LESS, and exchange energy to temporarily
<dissipate the weight of the human subject as long as the condition
<occurred (remember the chanting of the ngag mantra?).