Re: Lung-Gom-Pa quotes & Nightwalking

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 07 Sep 1999 00:36:26 -0500

Hi Folks!

Two quotes that jump out that lead to weirdness;

> By that time he had nearly reached us; I could clearly see his
> perfectly calm impassive face and wide-open eyes with their gaze
> fixed on some invisible far-distant object situated somewhere
> high up in space.

> He had also been advised to train himself by looking fixedly at
> the starry sky.

Looking into the sky, looking HIGHER UP....what if there is some kind of
resonant coupling effect taking effect?

I bring this up because of experiments we have done that show some kind
of conduit or energy channel between two resonating structures...

Two tuning forks, tuned to 440 cps

Strike one, the other will nearly instantly vibrate at the same rate and
nearly the same amplitude, and exactly in phase, though a bit lower in
intensity because there is an energy transfer between the two from the
exciter to the receiver.

Keely says put one fork in a room of 1,000 like tuned forks, strike the
one and all 1,000 will sound with amazing 'augmentation' of

Take the idea of the conduit/corridor between resonating structures, use
a human subject with focused concentration creating a link to a space
higher in the atmosphere or another STAR or PLANET....where the gravity
or aether density would be LESS, and exchange energy to temporarily
dissipate the weight of the human subject as long as the condition
occurred (remember the chanting of the ngag mantra?).

Could that be done mechanically or electronically? An optical or EM
wave focused on the moon perhaps and directed to a human or maybe an
object to see if any weight loss occurs?

Hmmm, that reminds me of the late Arthur Matthews who claimed to have
been a close friend and lab assistant to Tesla. In I believe it is
'Return of the Dove', he recounts an experiment where he SAYS he was
taken up in a spaceship to another planet where there were all kinds of
advanced cities, etc, etc...he says they passed a boulder which appeared
to be a giant nugget...

Matthews said he commented how that would make him a very wealthy man on
Earth to which the aliens said it would only make him miserable though
they could easily transport it or get it at anytime.

He didn't think much about it, but when they got back to Earth, he asked
what they meant by the comment, they could get it anytime...of course,
in about an hour they whip up an atomic generator for power, rig up a
tripod with a parabolic dish, tracking mechanism and a tray under the

He says they adjusted the dish to target the boulder on that faroff
planet, turned on the generator and within a matter of minutes, fine
drops of gold were falling onto the collection plate under the dish. It
soon became a rapid stream and when the plate had a small pile of gold
on it, they shut off the machine.

The purpose according to Matthews was to show him it COULD be done if
you just understood the technique.

They explained it as the tripod being special kind of electrical
insulator from the earth, so that a super low negative potential was
created with the parabolic dish and beam emitter acting to provide a
CONDUCTIVE PATH from the gold boulder to the earth based tripod.

Once the conductive path was established, the boulder was made more
positive and on the return path to the super negative of the tripod, the
gold was transferred.

Tesla said he believed light was super fine highly charged particles and
that was Matthews explanation of how it could be used.
My POINT with all this is CAN we induce levitation or weight loss with

Is there a way to tap into this conduit/corridor effect to produce
controlled phenomena as hinted at above, despite the sources...<g>..?

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187