Re: The Magnet movie

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 05 Sep 1999 00:34:29 -0500

Hi Paul et al!

Read your design is of course identical HOWEVER I am using
shaped magnets in the form of can take 7 of the radio
shack disc magnets, stack them together, then push them back about 1/4"
each so that it bows part of a C or a crescent shape....with the equator
in the middle as the #4 magnet, #1,2 and 3 are one polarity, #5, 6 and 7
are the opposite polarity.

The idea is based of course on Howard Johnson and the Minato shaped
magnets because the flux lines are more intense at the pole
they should ideally TAPER on each end and be fat in the middle, this
would provide a truly shaped field...the idea being to suck the magnet
in and push it is a matter of inertia...

When I first began reading your page where you said the original TOMI
was based on gravity, I thought BS, but then I see you mean that gravity
is the restorative force that RECOCKS IT FOR THE NEXT yes,
that is correct in your horizontal version (as in mine) being
different....and so it very well might not work since it WILL need a
push to keep it going....

I never had a problem with a recocking mechanism as the EV Gray motor
and some PPM designs EXPECT the case of EV Gray, he uses a
high voltage discharge into a coil to provide a very sharp, very INTENSE
magnetic spike that will kick another magnet up to the ceiling, using
3000 volt photoflash capacitors...

At this point, I think the magnets should be crescent shaped and with
TAPERED ends to work in a horizontal fashion as your animation shows.
OR use a recocking mechanism in the form of a capacitor or spring or
FINSRUD type mechanical 'kicker'.

It's not so much expecting enough energy to run a house, just make it
run ITSELF continuously and it should be scalable to produce some kind
of excess energy. That alone would shake a lot of trees and get people
excited about the possibilities, once they see it working, the juices of
the Muses will flow and we'll see all kinds of improvements and new

Anyway, thank you so much for your contribution to this area...I am sure
Stewart (Pat) will be pleased, he'll probably write you about it as he
says he has designs that DO self run but he is very secretive about it

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187