I've updated the page with a new annimation and diagrams of a linear version
of my 'recocking' system. Such a version would be easy to build, and would
prove whether or not a major part of the design concept will work. It also
might be a bit easier to understand than the radial explanation.
The page:
>At this point, I think the magnets should be crescent shaped and with
>TAPERED ends to work in a horizontal fashion as your animation shows.
>OR use a recocking mechanism in the form of a capacitor or spring or
>FINSRUD type mechanical 'kicker'.
Crescent shapped magnets would definitely make things more efficient, and
may even be able to take better advantage of inertia. And some designs
(like the Minato wheel) REQUIRE crescent shaped magnets. I'm hoping that
the system described on the page above will provide the extra 'pushes' and
'pulls' required for a TOMI-based system to work. That would show that it's
definitely converting energy directly from the interaction of the magnetic