Re: The Magnet movie

Paul Baucom ( (no email) )
Sat, 4 Sep 1999 22:19:03 -0500

According to the original TOMI experiment, the runner magnet is pushed by
the repulsive force of like poles. Then it's pulled by the attractive force
of unlike poles. Both movies reflect the runner/rotor magnets working like

See this page for info on the TOMI experiment:

I apologize for not giving a lot more information in my first two mailings.

The original TOMI experiment used gravity to pull the runner magnet away
from the rails once it reached the top of the hill. Then it rolled down the
hill and was pulled up by the next set of rails. And so on...

The second movie I posted showed a design that theoretically shouldn't need
gravity. Pause the second movie at a point where one of the rotor magnets
is just about to leave one of the rail sets. This is the point that gravity
should kick in and pull it away. But in this design, a neighboring rotor
magnet is already 1/4 of the way through its rail set. The force of this
rotor magnet should be enough to pull the other rotor magnet out of its rail

This same concept is also what provides the extra force necessary to get the
rotor magnets started into their rail sets. It's just that the neighboring
rotor magnet is 3/4 of the way through its rail set.

Hopefully, they'll all work in unison and provide the extra 'pushes' and
'pulls' to each other (so gravity won't be needed). The problem with using
gravity in a circular system is that it works against you on the return

What I just wrote probably isn't very coherent. It's past my bed time, and
it's been a long day. I need to get some annotated, still images of the AVI
made up with explanations of what's going on. I also need to do this
because I know that not all of you have AVI capabilities.


>With regards to the Tomi movie. Am I mistaken or is the device running