Warren York ( )
Mon, 30 Aug 1999 00:32:12 -0500 wrote:
> Warren, yes I've been experimenting with mercury and magnetism. However,
> I haven't experimented with plasmatic mercury. You know gaseous mercury is
> extremely dangerous. In fact, just last autumn during a hunting trip I had
> accidentally consumed mercury. I have big bottles of mercury. I forgot to
Warren writes:
I think I need to back off here a little bit. The complete point is
somehow getting lost. I am not saying that Mercury engines are where it
is at. I was only pointing out the connection to tails of such devices
and the possibilities of any truth in them. Mercury is dangerous and
should not be messed with by the average person.
Jeremy wrote:
> EXCITING, you've figured a device to illustrate your electron. I can't
> wait to build it. Please send me the CAD! I'm very excited. This is
> probably the only way we'll be able to experiment the idea since manipulating
> gravity would take too much energy especially only for an experiment.
Warren writes:
I've been giving this some thought. It seems most are not interested in
any technical aspects of a possible technology. It goes against the
so to speak. I've had no real (exclude you Jeremy) indication of
I do not knock on doors twice. I may sound a little cryptic here but I
have my reasons. There is too much to cover and so little time to get it
accomplished by only a few. There are other matters I see taking place
where man is locking himself out of the loop. For reasons I am not sure,
nor is it my concern. Until it is time for man to talk, I don't know
what else I can do. Mankind is just not awake yet. I have no idea of
the alarm has been set for. Perhaps the generation change over will take
place and the technology will once again be placed back into its jar.
People do not take any of this information serious enough. I was told by
professor he would get back. No knock has come and as I have said I
do not knock twice. The fact is that NOBODY has sat long enough to try
to see if anything is there. People want displays without knowing the
how's and whys. Just like TV. Turn it on and watch it work. No wonder
everything is a hoax or trick. That is what mankind it seems is
comfortable with. I for one would like to see a betterment for life.
There are just some things people do not know or I think will we ever
know. There are only a few that do and I am not talking about myself.
The silence is defining and the noise is unbearable. Lets back up to
the electron if you wish to continue. I won't post messages to Keelynet
here unless questions are requested. I do not wish to take up Jerry's
kindness in allowing us to use his group. Something is developing that I
must have a look at. Nothing to do with this research but perhaps
something just as important. For the moment, my instructions have
shifted. I just won't flood the message group with message after
I'll try to answer directly to a question and reply on my own, only when
I have something important to say. Let me know your questions on the
and its electron model. Witch hunts are still abound in this day and
I will focus on the work and have a lower key in the open. Remember I am
still recovering from the operation. Warren