Warren York ( )
Sun, 29 Aug 1999 09:56:19 -0500

Jeremy, I just worked out on paper this morning GAFP.
Gravity's Attraction Force Principle. I will try and put it in CAD
format for you. It might help some of the people here with there little
engine with magnets they are trying to construct. Anyway, the principle
is based on the theory and one should be able to construct a device
to demonstrate the principle. It should demonstrate the control of
attraction and repulsion between two objects (targets). It will be using
gravity's counter part or electromagnetics and therefore will not be
true Gravity but the principle should work for both. All one would have
to do is change the RPM between one or both of the devices to produce
the effect. I will use + (Plus) and - (minus) to indicate flow. That
will be the same as the flow of the electromagnetic fields you will
need to create to mimic the principle. You should also be able to
demonstrate electrostatics where the two targets can demonstrate also
no attraction or repulsion (neutral) to each other while still running.
This could lead to a new means of electromagnetic propulsion. It's the
same little engine the YGEM is except using electromagnetics instead of
true gravity. (Time Flow). Time Flow should be able to be controlled in
the same manner with microwave to produce gravitation effects. The
principles are all the same. Let me know what you think? Warren