Ohsako's principle

Slavek Krepelka ( slavek.krepelka@sympatico.ca )
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 09:58:10 -0400

Hello Fred and all,

You wrote:

Well it may have been faith, but maybe it was the energy field of your
that was doing it-- and this may be "faith" in the end.

Well Fred,

Years back, I read a book where a gentleman claimed to be able to move
objects as long as the object was between him an a magnet. The stronger
the magnet, the easier the task, or bigger the object that could be
moved. The book was probably self published and I borroved it in a
public library in Toronto. It had Library of Congress stamp or note on
it. Unfortunately, I do not recollect the title or the author, never the
less the book dealt mainly with some thirteen towers through out British
Isles. The gentleman was trying to prove that they were built for some
geomagnetic property helping plants to grow. What ever he was trying to
prove, he sounded absolutley honest and serious, and I had no reason to
doubt his claims of his experiments, even though I would not like to
swear on his theories.

Now, acording to what I have ever read, it seems that faith, or a great
desire, conditions at least some peoples' bodies and allows them to do
things. Whether the action at a distance is magnetic or what ever else
is something, which I do not know. Never the less, I do not subscribe to
miracles and magic, therefore, for me, there are carriers of actions at
a distance.

For that reason, I do not have any religion (I did not say faith) and
for that reason I do not believe in any Physics theory which treats
light and any other phenomenon like static el.field as magic. No
dimensions of photon between A & B etc., no carrier for el. force and no
explanation, just numbers.

I hear talk about overunity a lot. I think I have a prety good idea what
the word means, nevertheless, has that word ever been somehow
specifically defined?

I do subscribe to Mr. Newtons Law of Energy Conservation. That only
means that any "overunity device" talks to us about properties of real
stuff which lot of people do not want to understand to. There is not any
overunity, we are just unable or unvilling to realise that we know way
too little as yet. We lived in the gripps of religion for long milenia
and now we are falling under the spell of the new religion of Oficial
Physics wielding its bible of Mathematics. When you think about it, the
religious miracles and magic became miracles and magic to Physics. The
only difference is that while religions push them the Official Physics
denies them, and nobody seems to be able to deal with them in a rational
manner. Its ridiculous.

Regards Slavek.