The Nicotine Addiction/Allergy and Mineral Deficiencies Connection
Fri, 20 Aug 1999 17:56:03 EDT


Subject: The Nicotine Addiction/Allergy and Mineral Deficiences Connection

Hi Jerry and Everyone!

An event that occurred a couple of months ago involving an employee trying to
stop smoking for about the 5th time over a period of 6 months has led me to
this posting.

But, let me backup just a little bit and detail my research into Allergies.
This research has led to the conclusion that three primary problems are
responsible for most health afflictions:

1) Mineral deficiencies
2) Pollutants
3) Parasites

I was working with a naturopathic doctor named Dr. Moses. He has a rather
interesting Radionic type device called an Allertest Machine. This device
when attached to certain Acupuncture points on the body can register if your
body gives a positive or negative (Allergic) reaction to a given substance.
This same device could as well ascertain in what organ the accumulation has
primarily occurred. He then used certain naturopathic remedies to resolve
these conditions.

My work stems from the work of Dr. Hulda Clark and Dr. Robert (Bob) Beck, as
well as Dr. Joel Wallach.

As a place to begin, the implications of this information strongly suggests
that pollutants can overwhelm tissues/cells in the body causing a toxic
condition. The bodies inability to remove the pollutants result in a toxic
buildup and in any number of immune responses that we call an Allergy. This
type of condition would be caused by a Primary Irritant, the original
offending agent like - solvents, pollen, etc.

The implications of parasites can as well produce Allergic responses. The
parasites - to include all forms of worms, viruses, fungus, bacteria, etc.,
in the process of taking up residence in toxified organs begin to excrete
biological waste byproducts, usually in the form of proteins, his type of
condition would be called a Secondary Irritant. The bodies eliminative
system once again cannot remove these substances at a rate sufficient to
prevent buildup problems, and leaves a burdened down system and triggers
Immune Response reactions. Parasites may or may not need a toxic organ to
settle down, but, a toxic condition most assuredly irritates an existing
condition. It also explains the preference of certain parasites to certain
organs, etc.

Mineral Deficiencies appear to be at the heart of most health conditions.
One could as well say that Mineral Deficiencies are the result of the other
conditions as well; a viscous circle develops.

Poor nutrition, leaves the body on a chemistry level, (per limiting reagents)
unable to complete the removal processing of certain toxins in the liver and
kidneys etc. This results in toxic buildup, and hence Allergies.

Not drinking enough water, chronic dehydration, leaves the body toxic and
prevents proper elimination, resulting eventually in Allergies. Drinking
soda pop, milk, juices, alcoholic beverages are not acceptable fluid
replacements for water! These fluid substitutes can seriously aggravate an
already existing or deteriorating condition.

Poor nutrition and diet results in mineral deficiencies. Failure to Drink
enough Water can result in toxic buildups that result in mineral
deficiencies. Toxic pollutant buildups result in mineral deficiencies, and
Parasitic attack eventually results in mineral deficiencies.

As always a holistic approach should be taken, (and not necessarily in this
1) Treat the Mineral Deficiencies.
2) Cleanup and remove the pollutants, (Drinking lots of Water)
3) Get rid of the parasites, and
4) Proper nutrition and exercise.

Mineral Deficiencies can be treated by taking any number of brands of good
Colloidal Minerals, coupled with Hair Mineral Analysis tests as feedback
before and after as to determine effectiveness. Any good Naturopathic Doctor
can help with this. As you recall Dr. Moses procedure with the Allertest
Machine allowed the determination of which organs were affected and then
could determine which naturopathic remedy would help. When I discussed this
Dr. Moses we were later able to determined that each herbal remedy contained
high concentrations of specific minerals as the primary healing agent. Most
food craving appear to be the result of mineral deficiences. The common
story of pregnant women with strange food cravings is the same.

Pollutants can be detected by tests recommended by Dr. Hulda Clark in her
book "A Cure for all Diseases". Stopping the further accumulation of the
offending agent is of primary concern. Exercise, Saunas or Sweat baths, as
well as treating the organ of accumulation will help. Finally, Drink lots
good clean Water!!!
(Note: plastic containers stamped with No.7 will put solvents in the water.)

Parasites can be treated with Parasitic prevention procedures as outlined in
many good books and as well be treated by a qualified naturopathic doctor.
Dr. Hulda Clarks book "A Cure for all Diseases" contains many good testing
procedures and ideas. Work with a qualified proffesional!

Proper Nutrition and Exercise is mandatory for good health, as well as
drinking lots of good water - NO Excuses Allowed!!

Dr. Robert (Bob) Becks use of Colloidal Silver is highly effective for
certain types of parasites. Further, the Blood Electrifier, the Magnetic
Pulse Generator , and Ozonated Water Generators are highly effective for
getting rid of parasites as well. You can find most of these on the web.

"Oxygen Therapies" a book by McCabe has techniques that can be highly
effective for getting rid of parasites. Most, if not all parasites, do not
like highly oxygenated environments. A cheap simple remedy is just to relax
and breath deeply for 5-15 minutes a day. This can do a lot for calming a
person down too.

Dr. Joel Wallach's audiotape "Dead Doctors Don't LIe" is an absolute classic
discussion of Mineral Deficiencies.

Dr. Robert Beck's Brain Tuner, BT6, is very effective for curing the effects
of most addictions resulting from chemical/hormonal imbalances in the brain,
especially from drug/alcohol abuse, as well as dealing with certain forms of
long term stress.*

Othe types of left/right brain imbalances can be dramatically helped by the
use the use of the Monroe Institutes Hemispheric Synchronisation tapes.*

* - Anyone with hypertention, pregnacy, Epileptic Seizure problems should
think twice, and see a qualified doctor before proceeding!!!

Dr. Robert (Bob) Beck's research with Nicotine Addiction showed that Nicotine
Addiction was by far the most serious addiction, upto four times stronger
than any other serious addiction like Alchohol/Cocaine/Heroine etc. My
recent observations with an employee who just could not quit until he was
given a product called Noni Juice by a friend. Noni Juice - Morinda
Citrifolia is a common fruit in the South Pacific and Hawaii. Apparently
this juice has exceptionally high concentrations of minerals, which would be
consistent with Volcanic areas. When my employee took this juice liberally
for a period of a week, whenever he felt cravings for a cigarette, he quickly
lost the desire to smoke.

Nicotine Addiction, the most Addictive Substance known to Man, seems to be
primarily fueled by Mineral Deficiences!!!
