Re: Amin Cycle/Entropy Systems Inc.

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 20 Aug 1999 07:34:17 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Bob et al!

Thanks for updating all of us on what Sanjay is up to.
I think he is definitely for real and has the right
approach. It ties in perfectly with Sclictigs engine
that I saw working except that Sanjay seems to be
focusing on the refrigeration aspects where power
production would be of more import, I think.

Now tie this in with electronics and sound for 'the
next step' and we'll have a completely new technology
that milks ambient heat from the air to produce not
only a cooling effect but also mechanical power.

--- Bob Paddock <> wrote:
> I have seen his Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No
> CFC'S device in operation and it does what he
> It will reduce ambient air temperature by up to 30
> degrees, I don't recall if that was 'C or 'F for
> sure but I think it was 'C.
> We have opened our brand new website selling
> engines and refrigerators running on the Amin
> Cycle. the url is:


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