Fwd: Tesla Coils, Remote Viewing and the Aether

Thu, 19 Aug 1999 03:48:47 EDT

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From: Gpiano99@aol.com
Full-name: Gpiano99
Message-ID: <18ed6344.24eb97e9@aol.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 01:00:25 EDT
Subject: Re: Tesla Coils, Remote Viewing and the Aether
To: jdecker@keelynet.com
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In a message dated 99-08-17 23:32:00 EDT, you write:

<< specific date and actions that he foresaw as
happening...look at the quatrain about the seventh month in 1999, came
and went, nothing beyond Cassini and the solar eclipse...no ruler from
the skies and such.. >>

Jerry you forgot that back in those old'n days that the calendar year ended
in April so if anything amazing will happen it still has a chance in October.
That quatrain hasn't come yet. That's really scary to think of October for
the predicted month of that quatrain, you know with Halloween and all.
