Intrinsic Spin

Warren York ( )
Thu, 19 Aug 1999 03:27:00 -0500

> If Dr. Gaschler really did succeed in transmutation of atoms then its
> alot easier then I thought. By the way, with this discovery one would no
> longer need to mine for raw materials.
> Jeremy Lynn Mumme
Hello Jeremy and all:
A quick note to the above. George has succeed in transmutation of atoms.
I have seen the results held in my hands and the blueprints to the
I will only say it uses photons in a unique manner. George will not
release the plans and I can understand why. The important part here is
the power of the photon. As I have said. A Grand Unified Theory of
Matter, Energy, Time, Gravity, Transmutation, Life. Did I forget
Oh yes, Tractor beams. Gravity and Light used together. A real grabber.
By now you should have the graphics I sent. One basic of the photon.
Set it aside for now. We will be using the Intrinsic Spin 1/2 of the
electron graphic for now. This will explain just what Intrinsic Spin is
and also what a Spin UP and a Spin DN electron are. They are all
In the graphic we are using the YGEM (York, Geier Electron Model). The
photon part is understood as making up the electron. Now the graphic in
the top left corner is a templet of how I display the YGEM in this
You will see Axial Rotation under that image. The little image inside
same drawing in the top right of that templet (Axial Rotation) that
like a test pattern is a top view of the electron. The black section is
the number one INLET opening in the first worm hole. It is marked I sub
in the YGEM drawing. The little arrow points to the outlet of that same
worm hole. The other side is the second worm hole and the inlet there is
in gray. The arrow also shows direction to the outlet opening of that
second tunnel. This is what each of the little test pattern symbols are
for in each drawing. Remember the black is our #1 reference point. We
just follow its position through the process. #1 = I sub1 (Black) #2 = I
sub 2 (gray). The bottom right corner is the side view as is stated.

Now we will be following our first pass (Pi) for our 180 degree. CCW
direction moves our black mark from start bottom right to top left.
Always moving in the CCW direction for 360 degrees of rotation we move
the black mark from top left to bottom right again or (2Pi). Now once
again for 540 degree of rotation we move our black mark from bottom
right (3Pi) back to start top left or 720 degrees of rotation (4Pi).
720 degrees of rotation = Spin 1/2 for the YGEM or electron.

Now a spin Up is nothing more than one of the stopping points of tunnel
#1. Spin Dn is one of the stopping points of tunnel #2. Depending on
which point in time you capture the electron in motion you will get
the UP #1 tube dominant or the DN #2 tube dominant. They are flipping
back and fourth in time all the time. That is why you get 720 degrees
for a complete cycle. A photon only has one tunnel so it is spin 1.
Because of the arrow of TIME the process is more like fractions than
addition as you were trying to use. Let me know what I may have missed
and what you think. I am tired and I may have made some mistakes.