Re: Tesla Coils, Remote Viewing and the Aether

Warren York ( )
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 20:27:23 -0500

> Darren Hesford wrote:
> Hi Jerry
> You wrote
> The idea that time could somehow be accessed through this is
> questionable to my view, its enough that one could gather information
> from a remote site. I don't see how it could let you predict the
> lottery though I've not thought about it specifically with something
> like precognition in mind.
> Perhaps it is something worth looking into to finance some hellacious
> projects..<g>...
> You might be right but what about people like Nostradamus, there is
> some pretty strong evidence to say it is possible like him predicting
> the Russian revolution ( beginning and end ).
> As far as the lottery is concerned it is mentioned in the book and the
> explanation as to why it doesn't work is that everyone is
> subconsciously willing their own numbers to come up so it completely
> buggars it up, so if anyone is reading this wipe every thought of the
> lottery from your minds this weekend and give me more of a chance,
> I'll share the winnings HONEST !......
> Thinking about it though what if we all concentrated our minds onto
> something not quite as popular as the lottery but that could still
> give a reasonable reward, a bit like the posts on writing your wishes
> on a bit of paper and putting it in a pyramid then willing them to
> come true, only a concerted effort on one target to be picked by say
> you Jerry, Perhaps there could be enough reward to fund proper
> investigations and experiments into some of the subjects brought up on
> the Keelynet ?
> Let me know if you want to try it I will be glad to make a donation
> towards the stakes.
> Darren Hesford

Hay, Jerry: Excuse my cutting in but from my work I found a possible
link to just what the pyramids are and why they were used as tombs.
I can not explain where the technology may have come from however. If
you feel I should put my .02 worth in again let me know. There is a
slight possible tie in with Nostradamus also on this one. Warren